For all of the readers i am telling about the unidentified or ignored subject in this unconventional and uneducated world, So this is about the ghost and soul. I need to go to search the steps and i found all the circumstances for the coming of ghosts and soul, yeah they both are complimentary of each other.If you are eager to get the new era of yourself or now you are able to justify all of that theories which our parents always blaming on us or always give that so called often reason, come and read this. this will provide you something what you need. "living is harder than death"1) Keep your day
job. For those who have
inquired as to making a living at being a ghost hunter or paranormal
investigator, my response is that you have things backwards. Ghost hunting is
an expensive hobby or avocation at
best. If you can somehow break even in this field, (just covering your
expenses MINUS salary) you are doing better than 98 % of the hunters and
researchers out there.The only ways to make any money at all are writing books (authors don't
get rich - trust me) or going to school and getting a doctorate in
parapsychology and working for a university; an expense which could easily run
into the six figures and would not pay nearly as well as you would like.Furthermore, it takes up FAR MORE TIME than you think if you want a
halfway serious group. If you have a family and other responsibilities, you may
be very hampered and frustrated as to what you can do. I am single with no
children and it is nigh impossible for me to do all that I wish to in this
field.Investing in ghost hunting is better suited for personal enrichment and
helping others rather than financial gain or thrill seeking. Otherwise, you may
burn out very quickly.2) Read. For up to date and cutting edge
information, here is the Ghost Magazine section with a number of newsletters
and links to online periodicals and print publications including issues of The Shadow's Edge - Official SPI
Paranormal Journal. You don't need to become an expert, though I recommend you
at least be conversant on the subject of the occult.
And don't restrict your reading to just the subject of ghost hunting.
Physics, photography, electronics and many other fields touch cross the paths
of the paranormal and I can tell you from my own experience that being well
rounded is a huge asset in this field.What do you think that the stories what you’ve been heard before
nowadays are lied on you or true, everything is helpful to get on the target of
ghost and paranormal activities.3) Find local ghost
groups in your area and contact them. Here
is our National Directory - please note
Ghost Meetup is a possible one to check out if there are no groups in your
vicinity yet, but they now require a fee to be paid by the organizer. Before
you approach a group, try to think in terms of what you have to offer them.Many groups are closed, which means that they don't accept new members
or it is by invitation only. You can still approach them, introduce yourself and
ask for leads on who you can join in your area. What is important is that you
try and establish a good rapport with a group or groups in your region for a
mutually beneficial relationship down the road. Even if you never join them,
you can still wind up as a guest on an investigation or collaborate with them
on a research project. It doesn’t matter that you can find the group or not but
your willing is playing the main role for that. 4) If after getting to this point, you are certain that you are willing
to make a $100 - $500 + investment in equipment that will help you organize your
efforts.5) At this point, if you still are having trouble finding an
investigation or someone to hunt with, then you might want to consider
attending a Ghost or Paranormal Conference. Bear in mind that you will probably
have to travel to another state and sign up weeks or months in advance to
guarantee getting a slot. But try and make sure they are reputable before you
plunk your money down.Keep making contacts and stay in touch with other hunters. Keep business
cards on you at all times - you never know who you are going to meet. If you
want to talk to other hunters, participating in discussion boards are a good
way to have your fingers on the pulse of the community.If all else fails, you may have to become proactive and form your own
group "The Ghost Meetup" or what you want . If you have followed the
previous steps, you probably have some idea of what to do next. If you are a
bit shy and not good as a "front man", you may need a friend or new
ghost hunter acquaintance/mentor to help blaze a path for you.
You to Death"
Get ready to come get the fear
off in you.
But you will also experience something
else like me which can’t be formulating in the words.
For contact you can call me for
other suggestions also +91-9990043393.
But if you'll hunt alone you can find it.
The group can't make what you will perform alone.
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